Sassa news updates for those who are “Declined” but unemployed
Sassa news updates for those who are “Declined” but unemployed
There are those people who declined but still not earning an income. There are a lot of reasons which course people to be declined, there are those who are declined and they said they registered for UIF. Not everyone is getting the UIF money but people get declined because their companies registered it for them. Sasha is aware of this issue but still, they won’t stop rejecting people. Some people deserve to be rejected because they have other inside income.
If you know that you are rejected but still not earning. There is still hope that your problem can be fixed the only thing you need to do is to make SASSA offices aware that they made a mistake. Go to your moya app and apply for reconsideration, this application will allow you to send back a message to them saying you are not receiving anything. Bad news comes when your reconsideration is being declined too. This will mean you won’t receive the money at all because everyone or the information is you provided says you are getting money.
A lot of people are heartbroken because they get rejected for the reason they don’t understand. These people are not working but the system tells the official another story. That is why they always advise people to keep their information private because some people use it to register things that they are not aware of. Those who got declined can check the reconsideration option on the Moya app and apply again that might help.
Content created and supplied by: Everydaynews (via Opera News )