.Rest In Peace She One of The People Who Went Viral On The Boksburg Explosion Video, She was a Nurse

.Rest In Peace She One of The People Who Went Viral On The Boksburg Explosion Video, She was a Nurse

Boksburg has been the township that has been the focus of the most conversation on various social media platforms over the course of the last several days. This is in response to a tragedy that occurred not too long ago that resulted in the deaths of more than 10 people and left a great number of other people hospitalized in extremely critical circumstances. The tragedy was caused by the driver of a gasoline truck when he tried to force the tanker to pass beneath a bridge that was too small for it. Numerous families were killed, and their homes were among the many things that were wiped out. This is going to be one of the explosions that is mentioned in the books that are written about history.

(Boksburg community)

Even while medical workers are doing all in their power to keep the situation under control, the number of people who have passed away at this place continues to climb, despite the fact that they are doing everything in their ability to do so. If you can remember clearly, there was a video that went viral showing a plump woman fleeing the scene of an accident while she stripped naked and peeled off her skin. The video went viral because it was so shocking. It has been reported that she is a nurse who was on her way to the hospital. When she arrived at that bridge, she reportedly got out of her car to see what was going on, but unfortunately, an explosion occurred right next to her.


The sad news is that the lady did not survive her visit to Or Tambo Memorial Hospital and passed shortly afterwards. The woman’s name was Kgothatso Magopane, and she was a mother of four children. When she left her house to go to work, she had no idea that something terrible would occur on the way there. When her uncle was talking to Panyaza Lesufi, he said that she was the breadwinner for her family, and now they don’t know how they’re going to raise her children without her. Her family is in a great deal of pain as a result of this. Her passing broke the hearts of many people, even strangers who became affected by her story after watching the video of her fleeing the site of the crime.

Panyaza Lesufi went to her family’s home to pay her respects and show her support after a family member passed away. In other developments, the dead toll from the Boksburg Gas explosion has risen to 26, up from 18 previously reported. Since then, the driver of the truck was let go from custody since there was insufficient evidence against him. They assert that he is not being investigated for any criminal activity. A great number of people are angry about this, and they believe that the driver should be charged with several counts of murder as well as attempted murder. Because the bridge board that should have been able to handle the height of the automobiles was no longer visible, in my judgment, the driver did not commit any sort of traffic violation.

Source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02qCk3LWbaK9HJbDRzV7tphikqxwxSuA5QvebcQ95gFMw29nG4XTQ3fD5yQcZvch7Rl&id=100008965815254

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