President arrived at the funeral but this is what people noticed

President arrived at the funeral but this is what people noticed

President tested positive for covid-19 and he was in his house in cape town for a few days where he was isolated, president Ramaphosa had never told the country about his mental health, on how is fine about the Covid-19.

however president always preach to us that we must however always do a social distancing where some will be 1m away from each other here on this pic, the president seems to be very much close to this other man while there is a Covid-19, and he was tested positive at some point,

people are not happy that our leaders do not follow the procedures or rules of our Covid-19 restrictions but somehow preach them,

They even thought it was the reason why he was tested positive but the reason was not yet revealed.

Desmond tutu’s funeral is an honor in which he did what he did while he was still alive and he will still be remembered for that may his soul continue to rest in peace.

Content created and supplied by: azwi20 (via Opera News )