Opps, Minnie Dlamini Publicly Gives Kelly Khumalo A Cold Shoulder. After She Just Showed Her Love
Opps, Minnie Dlamini Publicly Gives Kelly Khumalo A Cold Shoulder. After She Just Showed Her Love
What is this thing with celebrities constantly giving a cold shoulder? It is really not cute, if it’s a trend it is really a boring trend, what is surprising about this whole thing is that it is done mostly by female celebrities, they do this to each other all the time.
You know it is very shocking when people do not practice what they preach, these female celebrities are always preaching being there for each other as ladies and to practice love amongst each other but what do you do when you try to show that love and they just ignore you as if you do not exist even worse, they do that publicly?
Minnie Dlamini recently posted a very beautiful picture of herself of which many people commented on it and hqoed her love, one of those people was Kelly Khumalo. She was so nice to her and gave her a beautiful comment about how beautiful she looked, Minnie just ignored that whole comment and chose to attend to Simz Ngema instead. See what went down
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