Skeem Saam: Lehasa left in hot water after this happened karma is a bitch

Skeem Saam: Lehasa left in hot water after this happened karma is a bitch

Mzansi had been wondering when Lehasa will suffer for what he did to Pretty. It seems like the plane has finally landed and he will soon get his karma.

Lehasa was treated Pretty badly when she told him she was pregnant. He did this so that he could get a chance with Notice. He gave away a chance to have a baby with pretty but little did he know that Nothile will never give him that happiness.

Nothing will be able to give Lehasa babies and she will never make him happy. All Lehasa ever wanted was a family but that has changed since he broke Pretty’s heart.

Lehasa should have at least taken care of the baby even though he didn’t want a relationship with Pretty but he did the worst.

We are happy that Lehasa is finally getting his Karma. He will finally feel the pain of hurting Pretty. Giving away his baby was the biggest mistake he ever made.


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