Pirates Fans Will Hate me for This_ Gogo Maweni

Pirates Fans Will Hate me for This_ Gogo Maweni

Gogo Maweni has admitted that she has dated 3 soccer players. However, he only mentions 2 names. The other one she could not mention because the player is now a “retard”. She is ashamed of him.

One of the names he mention was ex-Pirates player Thabo Rakgale. He called him the “dribbling wizard”.

This will shock many Pirates fans.
She confirmed that the midfield maestro Thabo Rakgake benefited from him. She used to pamper him with “expensive gifts”.

When she started dating Thabo Rakgale.

She was still new in her initiation path. She was worried about how will Rakgale reacted to her new path as a traditional healer.

She was still trying to get to terms with her new path.

Thabo Rakgale was still playing for Pirates at that time.

He was doing well-making fans “happy” at the stadium.

She used to stay at Midrand while attending his initiation at Orange Farm.

Gogo will often hide his “beats” from Rakgale by wearing long sleeves or using a Nike wristband.

She was really in love with the Ex-Pirates star. One day she decided to test how strong is their love life.

She came out without hiding the “beats”.

Rakgale was curious. He wanted to know what was going on.

Gogo asked Rakgale to support her in her knew the path.

Gogo was not convinced about Rakgale’s reaction after she broke the news.

Gogo went to Orange farm to see her mentor. When Rakgale made a call the following day. He heard drums in the background.

He dropped the phone immediately.

Gogo called the dribbling wizard the following day 10 times before he picked up the call.

Rakgale told her not to bother him again, because he does not believe in “Sangomas” because to him they practice “witchcraft”.



Gogo Maweni confessed that she started witchcraft after Rakgale broke up with her.

She said I know Pirates fans will hate me for this, but Gogo said she did a lot for Rakgale.

She spends a lot of money on Rakgale.

She used “Muthi” traditional medicine on Rakgale to stop him from cementing a regular place in the starting lineup

Gogo confessed that she enjoyed the movie as it plays out in front of her eyes.

The dribbling wizard ended up at Chippa united because of Gogo.

source: watch from 57 minutes to 58

Content created and supplied by: Thabo_TheCreator (via Opera News )