Payment Dates Confirmed By DPSA_Salary Increase

Payment Dates Confirmed By DPSA_Salary Increase



After a long wait, the Department of Public Service Administration issued a statement that finally confirmed the payment dates for the none pensionable cash allowance. The dates are as follows, 16 of September 2021 except for the people employed by the South African Police Service SAPS, they will receive their payments on 20 September.

The other part of the collective bargaining agreement which is the once-off 1.5% pay progression has also not been implemented yet and according to the said statement, it will still be communicated as to when and how it will be implemented.

The long-awaited collective bargaining agreement will provide some kind of relief to many households. Hoping that the government will speed up the processing of the other part of the agreement.

The government’s promise to pay the officials before or on the 15th of September did not come to pass. The relations between the two parties is already volatile.

Content created and supplied by: Khuboni_Bhele (via Opera News )