Meet a young man born with half a body, a rare condition most people do not understand

Meet a young man born with half a body, a rare condition most people do not understand


Being born different is a challenge to many people. Especially that born way different from what people would expect when they come forward. A young man born with half a body condition spoke out about his condition. He explained that people used to call him names.

More especially those living with him around the village. The majority couldn’t admit I was born like this he said on a video he managed to go for an interview on. My life has been like this, people feel sorry for me even though they knew me from a young age. Now I am old I can’t go around on the streets.

They call me bad names due to my condition he said. It has been a challenge growing up, living with no legs taught me to humble myself before others he said. His mother explained that his father tried to burn her alive. Telling her that none of his family members ever birth to such children. He told me I did that to my child in order for him to leave me.

Content created and supplied by: MagneticNEWS (via Opera News )