Matric 2022 results: Mmusi Maimane says Angie must announce the results based on a 50%, real pass rate
Matric 2022 results: Mmusi Maimane says Angie must announce the results based on a 50%, real pass rate
Over the past 6 years, Minister of Basic Education Angie has been announcing the results as per 30% pass rate. However, Mmusi Maimane says it is very wrong to make announce 2021 results using 30% and he is urging her to use the real pass rate of 50%.
According to Mmusi Maimane, the system of 30% should be ruled out to our education system as it makes more crises for our learners. Learners get to be lazy to study knowing that the pass rate is 30% which will give them problems when they approach universities and colleges across the country.
Into all universities and colleges, the real pass rate is not less than 50% and you qualify to write a supp if you have 45 to 47 then 49 & 49 is regarded as pass condone. There is no absolutely hurting thing than failing a module by just a mark and having to repeat it next year with one more additional year to complete your degree or even more.
Photo file: Number of students who sat For exam since 2016
Since 2016, the number of students who sat in for matric exam has been drastically showing a downslope curve, which is not a good thing for our country-level of education. It means we have more students failing to pass either grade 11 or below and in large numbers.
“We have a crisis in our education system. It is masked by the minister when she announces the pass rates based on 30%. Over the last 6 years, the real pass rate in STEM and Business subjects has been a ghastly 26%. Announce 2021 Matric Results based on 50%. The real pass mark,” he says
“We have had one education minister since 2009 and in that time we have performed poorly on the international benchmarks. We have been sold inflated pass rates to cover up the real challenges in the system.We spend too much for our system to underperform. The future is at stake,” he added
Opinion: 50% pass rate should be introduced in order to have a better quality education to our students.
Content created and supplied by: Breaking-Now (via Opera News )