Majority asked if the Qwabe twins pregnant

Majority asked if the Qwabe twins pregnant

Mzansi wants to know if the Qwabe twins are pregnant. Viggy and Virginia are South African famous musician twins who got famous through IDOLS.

They posted a picture on social media wearing matching white dresses and Mzansi had horrible things to say about them. The comments were bad, fans were laughing at the twins, telling them that their dresses are old-fashioned and ugly.

Majority asked if they were pregnant because they claimed to have sported big bellies. Some even said Dj Tira impregnated them.

A few months ago the Qwabe twins were found kissing each other, most people concluded they were having a secret relationship and the twins made it clear that they were not dating.

They even revealed that they were not planning to have kids anytime soon because they are both single and don’t have partners. Qwabe twins are thinking of a polygamous marriage so that they won’t be separated forever.



Content created and supplied by: MagDeliciousgossip (via Opera News )