Limpopo People Did The Unexpected Thing After One Driver Was Burnt Alive For Doing This

Limpopo People Did The Unexpected Thing After One Driver Was Burnt Alive For Doing This


The level of crime in South Africa is proving to the country that the level of unemployment among the youth is not good. This is because most of the crimes that are recently committed in our community are when the youth are involved and this is because the people that have degrees and diplomas are not given the time to express their skills.

In the last few days in the Vhembe District, a lot of kidnapping have been reported from Shayandima and Nzhelele. These crimes were both reported within 24 hours and the people in the Limpopo province are fully sure that the crimes might be committed by the same person.

The people of Limpopo today did the most unexpected thing after one driver was burnt alive for doing this. The driver was caught red-handed kidnapping two children and the community members were so alerted when this happened. The community surrounded the driver when he was escaping from the large group of taxi drivers that were on the run to save the children’s lives. The kidnappers were both Zulu people when they were gathered by a large group of people that helped to save the lives of the two young girls.

The community members were both angry when this event occurred in their eyes as the rate of kidnapping in the district is proving to be a pandemic within a short time. The community members urgently saved the lives of the two girls that were kidnapped as one driver was arrested and will be expected to appear in magistrate court in the next days to come. Family members are also encouraged that they must always be cautious of the people that are roaming around the areas as their young children are now a target of kidnapping.


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Content created and supplied by: Rotondwa-Ndou (via Opera News )